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Two reasons off the top of my head would be the fact that the Muslims or the Ottoman Empire not to mention the Mongolian raiders made travel hard for caravans of European traders...often attacking them and stealing their goods or leveling high taxes on goods going through their territories. OR BOTH...

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Q: Why did europeans began to seek new trade routes in the fifteen century?
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Was one reason that Europeans began looking for sea routes to Asia in the 15th century?

Trade routes to India avoiding the Middle East.Europeans wanted a cheaper way to import goods from Asia.

What was one reason that Europeans began looking for sea routes to Asia in the 15th century?

Trade routes to India avoiding the Middle East.Europeans wanted a cheaper way to import goods from Asia.

What did the Turks do that affected trade between Europe and Asia?

Europeans began looking for new sea routes to Asia.

What was the effects of the Ottoman Empire taking over the trade routes that connected Europe with Asia?

Europeans began looking for new sea routes to Asia.

What was one of the effects of the Ottoman Empire taking over trade routes that connected Europe with Asia?

Europeans began looking for new sea routes to Asia.

When did the European traders arrive in southwest Asia?

European traders arrived in Southwest Asia around the first century after the birth of Jesus Christ. The Crusades would later make it difficult to trade with the Arabs and Europeans began to look for routes other than land routes.

When did the Europeans came?

Europeans began exploring and colonizing various parts of the world, including the Americas, Africa, and Asia, starting in the late 15th century. This period of European expansion and colonization, known as the Age of Exploration, was driven by a desire for new trade routes, resources, and opportunities for wealth and power.

When did the European come to the new world?

Europeans began arriving to the new world in the 10th century. However, mass settling began in the 15th century with the Spanish explorer Christopher Columbus.

Why did the trade in African slave increase dramatically in the seventh century?

Arab Muslims and Europeans began trading these slaves.

What century did the Europeans start using the seismograph?

Europeans began using the seismograph in the 19th century, with the first seismograph being invented in 1880 by John Milne in England. The seismograph revolutionized the study of earthquakes by providing a way to measure and record seismic activity.

Who began their voyages in the early 1400s?

The Europeans. =D

What the age of discovery?

The Age of Exploration or Age of Discovery as it is sometimes called, officially began in the early 15th century and lasted until the 17th century. The period is characterized as a time when Europeans began exploring the world by sea in search of trading partners, new goods, and new trade routes. In addition, some explorers set sail to simply learn more about the world. Whatever their reasons though, the information gained during the Age of Exploration significantly helped in the advancement of geographic knowledge.