Peleus and Thetis, to which Eris, goddess of discord, was not invited - and so threw the 'Apple of Discord' among the Olympians.
YouTube was founded in 2005 by three employees of PayPal whose names are: Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim. It became available for public viewing 6 months after it's debut.
A dissenter
thomas jennings
A pussy no a dissenter
the Aztecs
Paris, whose judgment started the Trojan war and the younger prince of Troy.
The Trojans.
Helen of Sparta.
Agamemnon was the king of sparta and his brother was Menelaus, whose wife was "stolen" by Paris, the trojan Prince - Agamamnon, to help his brother to get back his wife started a war against Troy.
The Greek Side
Patroclus fought on the Greek side.
His relative and boyfriend Patroclus.
Well, based on myth, the Trojan War actually began when Aris threw a bitchfit about not getting invited to a wedding.
If you mean a marriage where parents decide their partners for their children, it's called an arranged marriage.
The law determines who can marry and whose marriage will be recognized. Therefore, marriage and the law are inextricably bound together.
Peleus & Thetis