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Q: Who was the most influential to the enlightenment?
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Who ran the most influential of Paris salons during the enlightenment?

Madame Geoffrin ran the most influential salon in Paris during the Enlightenment. Her salon attracted prominent writers, philosophers, and artists, fostering intellectual and cultural discussions that influenced the period.

Who is the most influential enlightenment thinker?

There are many influential Enlightenment thinkers, but some of the most commonly cited are John Locke, Voltaire, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Each had a significant impact on shaping Enlightenment ideas about individual rights, reason, and social contract theory.

The most influential hostess of social gathering in voltairs time helping to shape the taste and manners of the enlightenment?

It was Marie-Therese Geoffrin.

What ideas of the European Enlightenment were most influential to the American colonists?

Ideas of natural rights, individual liberty, and the social contract from Enlightenment thinkers like John Locke and Montesquieu were most influential to American colonists. These ideas inspired the colonists to challenge the authority of the British monarchy and lay the foundation for the principles of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.

Who was the most influential thinker from the enlightenment?

There isn't a single most influential thinker from the Enlightenment, but some key figures include John Locke, Voltaire, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. They made significant contributions to philosophy, political theory, and social progress during this period.

What are the comparative and superlative of the word influential?

The comparative form of "influential" is "more influential" and the superlative form is "most influential."

The most influential hostess of social gatherings in Voltaire's time?

Madame Geoffrin was the most influential hostess of social gatherings in Voltaire's time. She was known for bringing together intellectuals, philosophers, and artists in her salon, which became a hub of Enlightenment ideas and discussions. Voltaire himself was a frequent guest at her salons.

What are 4 adjectives that describe Baron De Montesquieu?

Enlightenment philosopher, political theorist, influential, innovative.

Which person was considered to be the most influentail of the enlightenment period?

There is not one single person who was considered the most influential during the Enlightenment period, as it was a time of diverse and groundbreaking ideas. However, philosophers like Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and John Locke are often seen as key figures who had a significant impact on the period.

What was a movement that embraced rationalism and logic and was very influential to many important colonists including Benjamin Franklin?


The declaration of independence is based on the ideas of whom?

The ideas of the American Revolution came from many influential Enlightenment thinkers, among them John Rosseau, John Locke, and Voltaire.

What people were influential during the enlightenment?

Some influential figures during the Enlightenment period include philosophers like Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and Immanuel Kant; scientists like Isaac Newton and Galileo Galilei; and political thinkers like John Locke and Montesquieu. These individuals helped shape new ideas about reason, freedom, and progress that were central to the Enlightenment movement.