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Q: Who was the first roman emperor to wear purple robes?
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The color that only the Roman emperor was allowed to wear?

The colour that only the Roman emperor was allowed to wear was purple.

What was the first roman empires name?

If you mean the first Roman emperor, it was Augustus. If you mean empire, it was always called the Roman Empire.If you mean the first Roman emperor, it was Augustus. If you mean empire, it was always called the Roman empire.If you mean the first Roman emperor, it was Augustus. If you mean empire, it was always called the Roman empire.If you mean the first Roman emperor, it was Augustus. If you mean empire, it was always called the Roman empire.If you mean the first Roman emperor, it was Augustus. If you mean empire, it was always called the Roman empire.If you mean the first Roman emperor, it was Augustus. If you mean empire, it was always called the Roman empire.If you mean the first Roman emperor, it was Augustus. If you mean empire, it was always called the Roman empire.If you mean the first Roman emperor, it was Augustus. If you mean empire, it was always called the Roman empire.If you mean the first Roman emperor, it was Augustus. If you mean empire, it was always called the Roman empire.

Constantine was the first Roman Emperor to do what?

Constantine was the first Roman emperor to convert over to Christianity?

Was Augustus Caesar the first Roman Emperor?

Augustus Caesar was the first "official" Roman emperor.

Who was the man who became the first holy Roman Emperor?

Otto I was the first holy Roman emperor.

Who was the first Oman Emperor?

The first Roman Emperor was Augustus.

When was the reign of augusts the first roman empire?

Augustus, the first Roman emperor, officially ruled from 31 BC to 14 AD.Augustus, the first Roman emperor, officially ruled from 31 BC to 14 AD.Augustus, the first Roman emperor, officially ruled from 31 BC to 14 AD.Augustus, the first Roman emperor, officially ruled from 31 BC to 14 AD.Augustus, the first Roman emperor, officially ruled from 31 BC to 14 AD.Augustus, the first Roman emperor, officially ruled from 31 BC to 14 AD.Augustus, the first Roman emperor, officially ruled from 31 BC to 14 AD.Augustus, the first Roman emperor, officially ruled from 31 BC to 14 AD.Augustus, the first Roman emperor, officially ruled from 31 BC to 14 AD.

Who was the emperor that changed the roman empire from a republic?

He was Agustus Caesar, the first Roman Emperor.

Did augustus become the first emperor?

Yes. He was the first emperor of the Roman Empire

Was Augustus the third Roman Emperor?

No he was not the third emperor. He was the first roman emperor.

What can you use at home that will resemblel a royal robe?

A sheet dyed purple. (a roman emperor's toga).

Who was the first Roman Emperor to make Christianity equal to all other religions?

Constantine was the first Roman emperor to legalize and make Christianity equal to other religions.Constantine was the first Roman emperor to legalize and make Christianity equal to other religions.Constantine was the first Roman emperor to legalize and make Christianity equal to other religions.Constantine was the first Roman emperor to legalize and make Christianity equal to other religions.Constantine was the first Roman emperor to legalize and make Christianity equal to other religions.Constantine was the first Roman emperor to legalize and make Christianity equal to other religions.Constantine was the first Roman emperor to legalize and make Christianity equal to other religions.Constantine was the first Roman emperor to legalize and make Christianity equal to other religions.Constantine was the first Roman emperor to legalize and make Christianity equal to other religions.