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each crusade was lead by a different person

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Q: Who lead the crusades?
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Did the followers of Christianity led the crusades?

they lead the crusades yes. The crusades were an effort to retake Jerusalem.

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How did the crusades lead to an insrease in learning in Europe?

much information lost in antiquity was kept by the Arabs, the crusades gave Christian Europe access to this data.

How did the Crusades lead to the African Slavery?

It caused more Africans to be enslaved for work

What came out of the crusades?

The crusades had positive effects on Eastern Europe. For instance, it lead to the conquering of the provinces known as the crusader states that provided a new form of trade income.

How did the crusades lead to columbus voyage of discovery?

It was in pursuit of such trade routes the Columbus "discovered" the New World.

How was chrtianity involved in the crusades?

In the beginning (the first Crusades) Christianity was the entire reason for the Crusades. They were called for by Pope Urban II (the lead "Christian" at the time) mainly to recapture the Holy Land Jerusalem (Palestine at the time) from Muslim control. There were other factors too, including wealth and forgiveness of sins.

How did the Crusades lead to trade and exploration?

how did the crusades lead to exploration? this isn't even a answer its the same question. the only reason i joined was to say this. why we would we use a website where anybody can just put what they want its stupid we don't know if they actually know what they are talkin about. case in point is evrything u just read

What are two result of the plague striking Europe?

One-third of the population died; was a cause for the crusades; lead to the end of feudalism.

How did the crusades lead to the commercial revolution?

When the crusades ended it increased trade because the Christians started looting and stealing on their way to Jerusalem. Eventually they just started trade because they could buy it for much cheaper then they could from their hometown.

How did the crusades and the population decline in the 14th and 15th centuries bring about the Renaissance?

The crusades spread death witch lead to the demand of more demand for money so the common man was able to buy more things leading to the Renaissance.

What was the goals of the crusades?

There are two types of crusades: the political crusades and the religious crusades. The crusades are used to win new converts and inform. Political crusades are usually used for power and fame.