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Q: Who is the guy who invented the toilet?
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Who first invented the toilet seat?

A guy named Thomas Crapper (I'm telling the truth)

Who invented the first toilet?

John Crapper invented the first toilet.

Wene was the first toilet invented?

The first flush toilet was invented in the 1600s. It was invented in 1596

Which country invented the toilet bowl?

The flushing toilet was invented by John Harrington in 1596. he was English so the toilet bowl was invented in England.

When was the toilet invented and by whom?

The toilet was invented by Sir John Harington in 1590.

Is Mike Ditka the guy in the basement or Father guy on the toilet in the Hopper commercial If not who is he?

Hey is the guy on the toilet

How was the toilet invented?

it was invented by wood

Who invented the public flushing toilet?

The flushing toilet was invented by John Harrington in 1596.

Where were the first toilet was invented?

uhhh.... I think you mean: where was the first toilet invented. In Bristol

Where was the first toilet invented at?

the first toilet was invented in new England by a English man called john Wilson. it was invented on 1673 No it is not. The toilet was invented in Bristol.By sir john harrington in 1596.

How many different names a toilet is called?

The john The krapper The porcelan pony The throne The loo The drop zone The squat spot The water closet The khazi The toilet And an interesting fact is the guy who invented the toilet's name was John Crapper!!!:)

What state was the toilet invented in?

the toilet was not invented in the states but in Europe. Europe actually took the idea from ancient Rome and Greece. The fancy toilet was brought over to the states not invented their.