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Villeins have lower importance than freemen, since freemen used to be villeins, but now they have partially gained some freedom from the lord of manor.


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Q: Who is lower in importance freeman or villeins?
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What is the difference between a villein and a freeman from the medieval times?

There are lots of differences between Freemen Villeins such as villeins had to stay on the lord's land all of their life and didn't get paid. On the other hand freemen got paid, and could own a small bit of the lord's land if they paid for it. Another difference is that Freemen were allowed to live where they wanted to. The villeins had to get permission for everything, from using the town oven to who they were allowed to marry. Were as Freemen were allowed to do things with out the lord's permission.

Who is in lower class in middle ages?

The serfs were the poorest people in the Middle Ages. In the Middle Ages there were also homeless people and abandoned children/women so they could be considered the poorest. They lived in the streets and would go to the rivers/coasts to pick up discarded items and garbage.

What is a freeman in rome?

In Ancient Rome, a freeman is a man who was born to free parents although he may not be a Roman citizen. A freedman, on the other hand, is a man who was a slave but who has been freed.

What did a freeman eat in the Medieval Times?

See the related question for information.

What is a medieval freeman?

1st AnswerA medieval freeman was a person that was given some land in return for services to the king. A freeman had fifteen strips of land in each field but in return he had to work to pay for it, help with the ploughing at harvest and help give out duties to Peasants. A freeman could leave the site without permission of the manor lord and could marry anyone, even from a different manor. Another answer:A freeman was a peasant farmer who was not bound by the manorial obligations that serfs had. He rented his land as what was called a copyholder, meaning that he had a lease. While he did not have the serf's obligations, he also did not have the serf's rights, and could be put off his farm when his lease expired. There is a link below to the section of an article on serfs dealing with freemen.

Related questions

How did villeins treat their animals?

Villeins children what did they do

Could villeins live comfortably?

No villeins couldn't live very comfortably.

What did the lord give to the villeins in return for all the hard work?

money for the villeins daughter's marriage

What did villeins eat?


What does villeins or peasants mean?

Villeins were medieval peasants who worked the land for landlords,some had their own strips of land.

How did villeins keep there food fresh?

they dried it

What jobs did villeins have?

Villeins in medieval society typically worked as agricultural laborers on the lord's land, tending to crops and livestock. They were also responsible for paying taxes and providing goods or services to the lord as part of their feudal obligations. Villeins often lived on the manor as tenants and were subject to the authority and control of the lord.

What are velliens?

villeins are people who need permission to do stuff

Why did some villeins become outlaws?

im new to this, but I believe some villeins became outlaws because they were in lower class, not exactly slaves, but they had to pay many taxes and give many goods to the king (or emperor). Another thing I think why is because they didn't want to be ruled by a king anymore, they chose to rule themselves and to have a chance of freedom.

Are the serfs villeins and peasants the same class in the feudelism class structure?

No, serfs, villeins, and peasants were not the same class in the feudal class structure. Serfs were laborers tied to the land, villeins were a type of unfree peasant with certain obligations to the lord, and peasants were more of a broad category of rural laborers that included both serfs and freemen.

How do you stop the villeins on super power island?

go into the bathroom

What do you call the medieval gathering the lords crops?

serfs or villeins