The term "senior tribune" is applied only to military tribunes. They would be the "tribunnus laticlavius" or "tribune of the broad stripe". They were second in command of a legion. The civil tribunes had no senior tribunes as their office lasted for only one year.
The public assemblies elected the tribune. :)
The elected Roman officials were called tribune, aedile, praetor and consul.The elected Roman officials were called tribune, aedile, praetor and consul.The elected Roman officials were called tribune, aedile, praetor and consul.The elected Roman officials were called tribune, aedile, praetor and consul.The elected Roman officials were called tribune, aedile, praetor and consul.The elected Roman officials were called tribune, aedile, praetor and consul.The elected Roman officials were called tribune, aedile, praetor and consul.The elected Roman officials were called tribune, aedile, praetor and consul.The elected Roman officials were called tribune, aedile, praetor and consul.
Flavius and Marullus
A tribune was a representative of the common citizens of Rome (who were also known as Plebians) and was more commonly known as a Tribune of the Plebs. A tribune could propose laws and reforms, which if popular would be passed by the Assemblies (the common people). An example of a reform a tribune might propose was the improvement of roads or an increase in the number of citizens who received a free corn dole. An example of a famous tribune was Tiberius Gracchus, whose reforms for the benefit of the people lead to his disfavour with the Senate and ultimately his death. His brother, Gaius Gracchus, also ran for and successfully became tribune and carried on his brother's work until he was also murdered at the hands of the Senate. A tribune had the power of Veto, and this meant they could oppose the passing of any law, reform or proposition they did not feel would benefit the people of Rome. Sulla, the first dictator of Rome took away this power of Veto in 80BC, and it was reinstated in 70BC during the joint consulship of Pompey and Crassus.
As far as I can tell Ars is Art, Tribunus is Tribune and Angusticlavius is narrow stripe. In Roman society Tribunus Angusticlavius was a Tribune who wore a uniform/toga with a narrow purple stripe on the edge denoting his rank. The Technology forum Ars Technica used to use, and is reintroducing, a ranking system based on the Roman system. Thus an Ars Technica forum member with a sufficient ranking would be Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius. That's to the best of my knowledge.
A Senior Tribune was an older Tribune that held more 'power' in his experiences. Although his power to veto was the same as younger Tribune his experiences counted for more.
it is like a prime minister. hope i could help.
Meaning of tribune. ... tribune antonyms. Information about tribune in the free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. ... Tribune Newspapers.
The Tribune India is published from the Tribune House in Chandigarh in India. The Tribune is published in English language, although there is an online Tribune newspaper that is published in Punjabi.
A senior centurion was the commander but often a Military Tribune was given command for a battle or task.
There are no perfect rhymes for the word tribune.
The Tribune-Democrat was created in 1853.
The Texas Tribune was created in 2009.
Peru Tribune was created in 1921.
Harare Tribune was created in 2001.
McGill Tribune was created in 1981.
The Eagle-Tribune was created in 1868.