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The inventor of the first wheelbarrow is credited to Chuko Liang of China. Injured soldiers were transported with these wheelbarrows that had to be wheeled by two people.

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Q: Who invented the first wheelbarrow?
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When was the first Chinese wheelbarrow invented?

ask ur dad loser

Who invented wheelbarrows?

The inventor of the wheelbarrow was...Chuko Liang, he was a general in the Chinese army and invented the wheelbarrow to carry supplies to injured soldiers.The inventor of the wheelbarrow was...Chuko Liang, he was a general in the Chinese army and invented the wheelbarrow to carry supplies to injured soldiers.

Who invited the wheelbarrow?

The wheelbarrow wasn't invented by a specific person. Rather, it was invented by the Greeks in Ancient Greece. It was invented in around 406 B.C.

Did China invent the Wheelbarrow?

There is a lot of uncertainty to who in fact was the first to invent the Wheelbarrow, however, China is the nation that currently holds the claim having stated that they were the first to invent the Wheelbarrow, in the Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD). Egypt and Greece also have respectable claims, however, historical evidence still points at China as the nation who invented the Wheelbarrow.

Who invented the wheel barrow?

Chuko Liang of China invented the wheelbarrow.

What was the purpose of the ancient Chinese wheelbarrow?

For one, it helped them carry their goods around with less pressure on them

What famous artist invented the wheelbarrow?

Leonardo di vinci

Who invented the wheel barrel?

Chuko (Zhuge) Liang invented the wheelbarrow. He was the ruler of Shu Han, one of the kingdoms of the Han dynasty.

What is wheelbarrow in The Red Wheelbarrow?

a wheelbarrow

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When did the Han Dynasty invent the wheelbarrow?

It is unknown which person specifically invented the ancient Chinese wheelbarrow. My guess is that multiple people contributed ideas to make it work.

How did the ancient Chinese wheelbarrow come about?

the wheel barrow was invented in about ce 1oo hi my best friends $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$