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Q: Who decided the time of day and in what year?
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Earth day is celebrated on April 22 each year. Anyone can decide at any time if they choose to join the celebration.

Why is their an extra day in the year?

The year is measured by how long it takes the Earth to orbit around the Sun. However, the time is actually 365 and 1/4 of a day. Instead of trying to add the piece of a day each year, somebody decided to just add the pieces together and add one day to every fourth year.

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It is the day before Ash Wednesday each year.

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It is decided based on the time of year the Bar or Bat Mitzvah occurs, based on the Hebrew calendar.

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The gods decided whether to destroy humans and the world.

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Day time.

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What time of day? What season of the year? What month?

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yeah the time of year but not time of day

What is the difference between a day and a year?

A day is the length of time the Earth takes to rotate once. A year is the time the Earth takes to orbit the sun once. There are about 365.25 days in a year.

Who started the first Christmas day?

Santa did when he decided that he wasn't in good enough condition to travel more then once a year that's when he went outside his home looked at the north star and decided that he would travel on the most important day of the year.... Jesus' birthday. ____________________ It was the first "Christmas Day" when Jesus was born when they Three Wise Men gave him gifts...I think that's why we have Christmas presents...I Think...

What time of month do you have intercourse to improves your chances of having a baby boy?

That can not be so. The sex of the baby is not decided by the day of the intercourse.

What time of year do volcaneos Erupt?

It could happen any day of the year.