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There were several crusades, they were called for and instigated by the catholic church.

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Q: Who called for Christian Crusade?
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Who launched a Christian crusade to drive out the Muslims?

Pope Urban II called for the first crusade on Nov 27, 1095.

Where did Christian's crusade?

In Jerusalem.

What crusade resulted in the looting of Constantinople by western Christian's?

The Fourth Crusade

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Why is the second crusade called the noble crusade?

Well apparently it is called the noble crusade because everyone who went on the first crusade and the noble crusade were noble

From the leaders of the Crusade of Kings who finished the crusade.?

The Christian commander and king Richard the Lionheart, or Richard the 1st, was the one that ended the Crusade of Kings, also known as the 3rd Crusade.

From the leaders of the crusade kings who finished the crusade?

The Christian commander and king Richard the Lionheart, or Richard the 1st, was the one that ended the Crusade of Kings, also known as the 3rd Crusade.

From the leaders of the Crusade of Kings who finished the crusade?

The Christian commander and king Richard the Lionheart, or Richard the 1st, was the one that ended the Crusade of Kings, also known as the 3rd Crusade.

Which Crusade did the Christian knights win?

The First Crusade (1096-1099) is considered the most successful where Christian knights managed to capture Jerusalem in 1099, establishing several Crusader states in the region.

What was the third crusade called?

Kings' crusade

A significant difference between the First Crusade and the Second Crusade?

One significant difference between the First Crusade and the Second Crusade is the outcomes. The First Crusade resulted in the capture of Jerusalem by the Christian forces, while the Second Crusade did not achieve its primary objective of recapturing Edessa. Additionally, the First Crusade was more successful and united in its goals, while the Second Crusade faced more challenges and internal conflicts among the Christian leaders.