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civil service and trade routes

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Q: Which two aspects of Song civilization would you say Kublai Khan appreciated the most?
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Do you say it would be highly appreciated or it will be highly appreciate?

It would be correct to say "it would be highly appreciated" when expressing gratitude or thanks.

It would be very much appreciated?

it is much appreciated

What does it mean when someone says minerals are at the core of the civilization?

When someone says minerals are at the core of civilization, they are emphasizing the importance of minerals in various aspects of human society, such as infrastructure, technology, and energy production. Minerals are essential for the development of a modern civilization as they are used in construction, manufacturing, and communication systems. Without minerals, many aspects of modern life would not be possible.

How old is Kublai Khan?

Kublai Khan was born on September 23, 1215 and died on February 18, 1294. Kublai Khan would have been 78 years old at the time of death or 799 years old today.

Question what would be the correct usage in the following Your knowledge guidance and cooperative skill was or were appreciated?

Technically, the correct usage is "were appreciated." However, it would be okay in this particular sentence to use "was appreciated."

How would you describe the size of the territory Kublai Khan ruled?


how would you describe the size of the territory Kublai Khan ruled?


Who was the Italian who traveled to China to the court of Kublai Khan in the 1200s?

That would be Marco Polo.

Can you give me a sentence using appreciated?

I dont appreciate this question!! i do not appreciate your behavior today

What happened to the yuan dynasty after kublai khan death?

Yuan Dynasty after Kublai Khan's death-began to fade, families argued over who would rule & Chinese rebels overthrew the Mongols

Why would you want to meet Kublai Khan?

Because he was the emperor of Ancient China in March 1271!

Is the phrase greatly appreciated correct?

Yes. An example would be "The get-well cards were greatly appreciated by the lonely elderly lady."