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The Boxer Rebellion (answer B) at Education 2020

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Q: Which rebellion in china fought against westernization in 1900?
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What country was the bocer rebellion fought in?

The Boxer Rebellion was fought in North-East China

Name one war fought by the us fought in the 1900?

No wars; only insurgencies. Boxer Rebellion in China & a Rebellion in the Philippines.

What was the rebellion in China against foreign influence called?

Boxer Rebellion

What country fought with china over drugs?

Britain, the Boxer Rebellion had to do with the Opium trade.

Did China have wars?

they fought against the axis powers in WWII and they fought against America in the Vietnam War

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The Taiping Rebellion was led by Hong Xiuquan, a disappointed civil service examinee, who believed he was the brother of Jesus Christ.It was a civil war so it was against china..... it was the bloodiest civil war ever

One war that the US fought in the 1900s?

The Boxer Rebellion in China and the Philippine Insurrection from 1900 to 1902.

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What country did China fight against in the world war 2?

they fought against Germany

In one way which the Sepoy rebellion in India and the boxer rebellion in china are similar is that both attempted to?

The Sepoy Mutiny was a rebellion against the British in India, and the Boxer Rebellion was against Great Britain and ten other imperial nations in China. There are many differences, but both were prompted by a feeling of intrusion by foreign culture.

What did the defeat of the boxer rebellion have on china?

It led to a revolt against the Chinese imperial government,

What was an effect the Boxer Rebellion had China?

It led to a revolt against the Chinese imperial government.