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Q: Which modern invention has most increased the speed of cultural diffusion?
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How do both ancient roman cities and modern cities contribute to cultural diffusion?

They all contribute by being big colonies!

Why is cultural diffusion occurring more rapidly around the world today than in previous centuries?

Cultural diffusion is occurring more rapidly today due to advancements in technology, such as the internet and social media, which allow for instantaneous and widespread communication. Globalization has also increased travel and trade between nations, leading to more interactions and exchanges of ideas between cultures. Additionally, the interconnected nature of the modern world has created a more interconnected and interdependent global community.

What is the best modern invention?

the best modern invention is the thinnest computer and iPhone4s

What are the advantages and disadvantages of modern invention?

An advantage of modern invention would be that a new product might make life easier for people. A disadvantage of modern invention is that people can misuse the invention. Texting is a prime example of misuse of an invention. Texting and driving is very dangerous.

What was the first invention that might be called modern?

The magnetic compass was the first invention that might be called modern.

How did Watt James impact peoples lives?

James Watt's most significant impact on people's lives was through his invention of the modern steam engine. This invention revolutionized industries such as transportation and manufacturing, leading to increased efficiency and productivity. His work paved the way for the Industrial Revolution and laid the foundation for modern civilization.

Is an essay a modern invention?


Is a computer a modern invention?

Yes, the computer as we know it today is a modern invention. The first electronic digital computer was developed in the mid-20th century and has since evolved significantly to become an integral part of modern society.

What invention by Bell Labs in 1947 brought about modern electronics?

the invention of the transistor

Which invention allows modern retailers to keep track of their inventory?


Did ancient rome have any TVs?

No. You are asking about ancient Rome. Television is a modern invention, needing electricity and other modern components. Ancient Rome had none of these things.No. You are asking about ancient Rome. Television is a modern invention, needing electricity and other modern components. Ancient Rome had none of these things.No. You are asking about ancient Rome. Television is a modern invention, needing electricity and other modern components. Ancient Rome had none of these things.No. You are asking about ancient Rome. Television is a modern invention, needing electricity and other modern components. Ancient Rome had none of these things.No. You are asking about ancient Rome. Television is a modern invention, needing electricity and other modern components. Ancient Rome had none of these things.No. You are asking about ancient Rome. Television is a modern invention, needing electricity and other modern components. Ancient Rome had none of these things.No. You are asking about ancient Rome. Television is a modern invention, needing electricity and other modern components. Ancient Rome had none of these things.No. You are asking about ancient Rome. Television is a modern invention, needing electricity and other modern components. Ancient Rome had none of these things.No. You are asking about ancient Rome. Television is a modern invention, needing electricity and other modern components. Ancient Rome had none of these things.

Modern transportation evolved from what invention?

motor engine