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A significant post-World War 1 American cultural trend of the 1920s was the prohibition of alcohol. The 18th Amendment to the US Constitution enforced a ban on the production and sale of alcoholic drinks.

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Q: Which is a post-World War 1 American cultural trend of the 1920s?
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What were the major demographic shifts of the 1920s?

In the 1920s, there was a significant increase in urbanization as people moved from rural areas to cities. There was also a surge in immigration, especially from Southern and Eastern Europe. Additionally, the 1920s saw a trend of more women entering the workforce and a rise in the African American population in urban areas due to the Great Migration.

Which major trend characterized the 1920s and continues today?

retail buying on installment of credit

What were ladies called in the 1920s?

if your asking about the trend that women followed they would be called flappers

Identify a trend popularized by American music or film in the 1980s. Explain how this trend caught on in another part of the world. You may use the Internet to assist with your search.?

One trend popularized by American music and film in the 1980s was breakdancing. This trend caught on in other parts of the world, such as Japan, through the influence of American movies like "Breakin'" and "Beat Street" showcasing this dance style. Japanese youth embraced breakdancing as a form of expression and cultural exchange, leading to the establishment of their own vibrant breakdancing scene.

What 1920s trend focused on individual experiences emotions and the expression of personal freedom?

The 1920s trend that focused on individual experiences, emotions, and the expression of personal freedom was the "Lost Generation." This term refers to a group of American writers who rejected traditional values and social norms, seeking to express their disillusionment after World War I through their work. Key figures of the Lost Generation include Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Gertrude Stein.

What is a trend critique?

A trend critique is an evaluation or analysis of a particular trend, usually done to assess its impact, relevance, or longevity. It involves looking at the pros and cons of the trend, potential implications, and whether it aligns with broader cultural or societal shifts.

What was the trend like in the 1920s?

The US was prospering very much in the economics, and new fashion trends were starting to pop up such as Flappers.

What was the New Era trend in business organization in the 1920s?

It was the idea to go back to isolationism. Jobs and products were all in the US, making the economy soar.