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Q: Which invention meant the end of the long cattle drive?
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How long did cattle drives last?

That depends on how far the cow hands had to drive the cattle. Most cattle drives lasted anywhere from a week to several months.

How long did the cattle drives last?

That depends on how far the cow hands had to drive the cattle. Most cattle drives lasted anywhere from a week to several months.

What was the long dirve?

The Long Drive refers to the transportation of cattle from Texas to railroad hubs in Kansas during the late 19th century. Cowboys would drive large herds of cattle across hundreds of miles, enduring harsh conditions and facing various challenges along the way. The Long Drive played a significant role in the growth of the cattle industry in the United States.

What was organized by Texas cattlemen beginning 1865 to move longhorn cattle to railheads that would transport the animals to eastern markets?

The organized effort by Texas cattlemen was known as the Long Drive. It involved herding thousands of longhorn cattle from Texas to railheads, which were locations where the cattle could be loaded onto trains for transportation to the eastern markets. The Long Drive played a crucial role in the development of the cattle industry in Texas and helped meet the high demand for beef in the east.

How did cattle ranching and the work of cowhands promote the settlement of the plains?

Cattle ranching and he work cowhands did promoted settlements of the plains so there were places to rest during a long cattle drive. As railroads grew, more settlements were established and cattle drives were a large part of the economy.

Related questions

How did the railroad effect the ranching companies?

The railroads meant the rancher had a shorter journey to cattle markets. Instead of a cattle drive having to go a long distance, taking many days, the cattle were driven to the nearest railhead or cattle yard and loaded onto cattle trucks.

What is moving of cattle to shipping centers?

Long Drive

How long does a cattle drive last?

That all depends on where you have to drive the cattle to. It may range from mere minutes to days or even months.

What is it called to drive cattle long distances to a railroad depot for fast transport and great profit?

The most common name was 'cattle drive'.

The movement of large cattle herds from grazing lands to railroad terminals was called?

the long drive

What is a long piece of leather used to drive cattle?


What was the long drive?

Moving cattle from distant ranges to busy railroad centers that shipped the cattle to market

What is long drive?

moving of cattle from distant ranges to busy railroad centers that shipped the cattle to market

What is a long drive cowboy do?

Cattle moved from Texas to Northern cities

How long was an average cattle drive?

A few weeks to several months.

What are the reasons the cattle drive ended?

Cattle drive came to an end because of the invention of the barbed wire and the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad. Thousands of cattle also perished due to an outbreak of Texas Fever and the Great Winter of 1887-88, which also contributed to the end of the famous cattle drives of the Old West.

How long did the cattle drives last?

That depends on how far the cow hands had to drive the cattle. Most cattle drives lasted anywhere from a week to several months.