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Q: Where was the coronation of Charlemagne?
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When was The Coronation of Charlemagne created?

The Coronation of Charlemagne was created in 1517.

Where did the coronation of Charlemagne take place?

Charlemagne's coronation took place at St. Peter's.

The coronation of Charlemagne took place in?


What did Pope Leo hope to accomplish at the coronation of Charlemagne?

He hoped to acknowledge Charlemagne as ruler of Europe.

What are some works of art that were commissioned by Charlemagne?

Coronation Gospels

What happened in the year 800ad?

coronation of Charlemagne by Pope Leo III

Why did Charlemagne opposed his coronation?

This question is probably impossible to answer, because nothing is recorded that answers it. We have been told that Charlemagne's coronation as emperor was a surprise to him, but we do not know he opposed it. Charlemagne was crowned three times. He did not oppose the first two, when he was crowned King of the Franks and King of the Lombards.

What did coronation of Charlemagne symbolize?

The coming together of Roman, Christian, and Germanic elements.

What the coronation of Charlemagne symbolize?

The coming together of Roman, Christian, and Germanic elements.

What did the coronation of Charlemagne symbolize?

The coming together of Roman, Christian, and Germanic elements.

The coronation of Charlemagne took place where?

Charlemagne was crowned twice, once as King of the Franks, and once as Emperor of the Romans. The first of these coronations took place in Noyon, which is north of Paris. The second coronation was in Rome, in Saint Peter's Basilica.

Why did Charlemagne not invite pope when he passed his crown to his son?

Charlemagne was not prepared for his coronation and may not have wanted to be crowned by the Pope. If the Pope had the power to crown Charlemagne king, the Pope might also have the right to remove the crown.