The meaning of the name Crawford is From The Crow Ford
The name Kuzma is a Slovenian name.
the name Estelle is a French name .
the name Bruce is Scottish
The surname Crawford is from Scotland , specifically Lanarkshire.
Gwen Crawford's birth name is Gwendolyn Crawford.
Lizzy Crawford's birth name is Elizabeth Crawford.
Carl Crawford's birth name is Carl Demonte Crawford.
Darren Crawford's birth name is Daren Vinson Crawford.
Jamal Crawford's birth name is Aaron Jamal Crawford.
Sophia Crawford's birth name is Crawford, Sophia Matilda.
Victoria Crawford's birth name is Victoria Elizabeth Crawford.
Willie Crawford's birth name is Willie Murphy Crawford.
Hector Crawford's birth name is Crawford, Hector William.
Chace Crawford's birth name is Christopher Chace Crawford.
The meaning of the name Crawford is From The Crow Ford