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To a "great crowd" at the Council of Clermont in 1095.

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Q: Where did urban the 2nd give the speech that started the crusades?
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Why did peasants join the crusade?

Peasants joined the crusades for many reasons, some because they wanted to go to the holy land for pilgrimage others because they wanted to participate in the sacrament of reconciliation and were unable to give gifts of money to the church. To get out of debt.

Where did swearing start?

Nobody knows for sure where swearing started. Swear words originated and evolved to give people a way to vent strong feelings, and these words have been with us ever since.

What were 3 results of the crusades?

The crusades were an attempt to re-establish usurped nations back to their former state. After Rome fell the middle east became a free for all. Lookup "Ottoman empire". The problem with the Islamic rule was that anything that doesn't fall in the line with their rules (daily changing), should be utterly destroyed. The crusades at the least, largely stopped the undesired expansion of Islam into the western world at a time when Italy was about to be taken over. It is largely recognized, (and obviously effective) for these pepople to assert their need to extinguish any anti-Islamic talk with the most extreme force in order to retain control. Similarly: the Japanese military in WWII desired to maintain the Imperial monarchy at a time when military dictatorship was in "Fascion". That said, had the Ottomans succeeded in taking Italy, they would have walked over Spain, which was already largely inhabited by Muslims (afterward their irritations spurring off the Spanish Inquisition), and asserted their bloodbath proselytization throughout all of Europe. To say the least I would not be married to my Italian wife, and have my children today, and the Catholic Church would not exist in Rome if the crusades never happened. Asia minor has been a hotzone since the beginning of time, and the crusades did not accomplish their chief desire to return the region to its pre Islam state, however it did very successfully curtail if not stop the northern expansion of The Mighty Sword of Islam. :] yep. :] you know. i like this thing. great place to write & it always has the correct answers! its amazing. now i get to give back to what helped me with a B average in high school.

Why did so many people take part in the crusades not only knight and solders but also ordianly people and children?

Deus Vult! (God wills it!) Some: for land. Others: for past sins to be absolved. Others: pure religious motives. Others: no future at home (second sons, etc). Children: Naively thought that their innocence would convince the Muslims to give the Holy Land to the people of Christ (during the Childrens' Crusade). Instead, most starved to death walking to the Holy Land or were sold into slavery by Christian Italian merchants.

What were the vassals required to give their king?

The vassals required to give their king land. They could also give the king food, water and a sword.

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What city did Pope Urban II give the speech that began the Crusades?

He gave his speech in Clermont, France.

When did pope urban give a sermon?

If you mean Pope Urban II, who launched the Crusades, then I think your meaning the sermon that has gone down in history as the most successful speech of all time. It was given on November 27, 1095 at Clermont, France

Where was Pope Urban ll in April 1095?

In April 1095, Pope Urban II was in Piacenza, Italy. From there, he issued the call for the First Crusade in November of that year.

What reward dose Urban 2 give to those who respond to his appeal?

Urban II promised spiritual rewards to those who responded to his appeal, including the remission of sins and a guarantee of salvation for those who died in combat during the Crusades. He also emphasized the importance of reclaiming Jerusalem and the Holy Land as part of a righteous and noble cause.

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im not going to give you a speech. Fall in love, then the speech will be a breeze!!

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To give is a verb.

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