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Contrary to popular belief, the expedition DID NOT begin in St. Louis, Missouri. The first entry in the Lewis and Clark Expedition Journals state that the journey began in Pittsburgh, PA on August 30, 1803. Lewis, who had been assigned by Jefferson sailed down the Ohio River with supplies towards St. Louis.

William Clark would offer to join Lewis on the expedition weeks later on October 13, 1803 at Camp Dubois (in present-day Indiana). They then named their team the "Corps of Discovery." From there, they sailed down the Ohio River towards St. Louis. Meriwether Lewis had spent the time prior to their departure in St. Louis gathering information from mountain men returning from the west. They then departed St. Louis in May 1804 heading up the Missouri River.

If you don't believe that the expedition began in Pittsburgh, please check the related link below. It leads to a copy of the original Lewis and Clark Journals online. If you click the first entry, you will see that this is true.

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Q: Where did Lewis and Clark start their journey West?
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No, she was a real woman, a Shoshone woman who guided Lewis and Clark when they made their historic journey west.

In what year did Lewis and Clark leave for their expedition?

First of all, it was Meriwhether Lewis who was assigned to explore the West. Clark would offer to join up with the Discovery Corps weeks after Meriwether Lewis started his journey in Pittsburgh (yes, that's right, Pittsburgh, not St. Louis. Check out the related link to the Lewis and Clark Journals for that TRUE fact) And Lewis began his journey in 1803.

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Lewis and Clark were sent by Thomas Jefferson to explore the west.

How did Lewis and Clark explore the west?

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Who ordered Lewis and Clark to lead the expedition?

First of all, it was Meriwhether Lewis who was assigned to explore the West. Clark would offer to join up with the Discovery Corp weeks after Meriwether Lewis started his journey. And it was President Thomas Jefferson who assigned Lewis.

What president hired Lewis And Clark to explore the west?

Thomas Jefferson hired Lewis & Clark to explore the west.