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Q: When did Canada become a developed country?
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Is Canada an ledc?

Nope, Canada is not an Less Economically Developed Country. It is classified as a More Economically Developed Country.

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When did Singapore become a developed country?

According to the World Bank, Singapore became a developed country in 1987.

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In September 2009 South Korea became a developed country.

Is Canada a devoloping nation or developed nation?

It is a fully developed and cultured country with all the trimmings.

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Is Canada a developed Country or undeveloped?

Yes; Canada is a very well developed country - one of the great economies of the world, especially considering its population is still less than 50 million

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By hard work.

What year did Canada become part of the US?

It hasn't. Canada is its own country.

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In about 2080 maybe.

Is France an MEDC?

Depends upon which definition of MEDC you are using. If you mean More Economically Developed Country, then yes, Canada is a highly developed country and a member of the G7 (or is it G8 now?)

Who did Canada separate from to become an independent country?

The french.