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The Ancient Greek civilization and the Roman Empire. Their languages, culture, and ideology is either still used today or has heavily based modern ideas, culture, and languages.

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Q: What were the two most most influentional early cilizations on the European continent?
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What were the two most influential early civilizations on the European continent?

The Ancient Greek and Roman civilizations.

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Ireland. +++ No. It was a South American plant brought back by early European explorers- though I am not sure which part of the continent.

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William Dampier (British) - 1688. Some sources say that the first European discoveries took place in the early 17th century, and that the Potuguese were the first explorers of the continent. Captain James Cook claimed British possession of the eastern part of the continent in 1770.

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What was the early european schools?

The majority of early European schools were founded to train priests and others who were functionaries in royal courts. Two of the most famous early European schools were Oxford and Cambridge, both of which were located in England.