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To promote chivalry and equality. In the days before the Round Table, serfs were just considered pawns-- they weren't considered people on the battle field. But with the King Arthur's Round Table, the King promoted awareness of everyone, no matter their rank or stature.

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Q: What was the purpose to the Round Table?
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Why did the knights of the round table sit around a round table?

The round table symbolized equality among the knights, as there was no head of the table. It emphasized unity and encouraged open discussion and collaboration among the knights, as everyone was equal in status.

How many knights at a round table?

there were 150 knights at the round table

What was the true reason for Arthur's round table?

The round table symbolized equality, having no head of the table.

What did the round table symbolize?

The round table symbolized equality. When King Arhur and his knights sat down at the Round Table, it had no head of the table. So, while sitting at The Round Table, no one person was greater than another. Everyone was equal.

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King Arthur had a round table.

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Round Table India was created in 1957.

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