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There was more than one but the primary goal was liberation of the "Holy City", Jerusalem.

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Q: What was the city that the Crusaders wanted to liberate from the Muslims?
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The city the crusaders the crusaders wanted to liberate from the Muslims was?

the holy land

The city the crusaders wanted to liberate from the Muslims was?

No Akron is in Ohio. Nice try

Was Akron the city the crusaders wanted to liberate from the Muslims?

No Akron is in Ohio. Nice try

What city did the Crusaders want to control?

The Crusaders wanted to control the city of Jerusalem.

What was the city that the Byzantine Empire wanted to liberate from the Muslims?

Half of the Former Byzantine Empire was under Moslem control, so there were numerous cities and towns that the Byzantines wanted to liberate from the Moslems. They specifically mention Jerusalem, but that was only to gain support for such a campaign from Western Europe.

What was usually the goal for the Crusaders?

To retake the city of Jerusalem and, drive the Muslims from the Holy Land

Why did the Muslims and crusaders fight?

They fought because the Muslims had control of Jerusalem, the most important city to the Holy Roman Empire. To get Jerusalem back under the control of it, the crusaders started the Crusades, or holy wars.

What were the eight attempts to liberate the city of Jerusalem from the Muslims called?

Failures. With the exception of the First Crusade, all of the Crusades were failures.

What did crusaders do to Muslims and Jews when they captured Jerusalem?

The Crusaders came to liberate the Holy Land from the "infidels" and woe to any Jews who lived along the route. Numerous Jewish communites encountered by traveling Crusaders were subjected to the increased religious fervor of the Crusaders, and were pillaged and massacred. There were several extensive pogroms, especially in Germany and France. When the Crusaders conquered Jerusalem at the end of the First Crusade, they initiated a massive slaughter of the Jewish and Muslim inhabitants of the city.

Why did the crusades wanted Jerusalem?

The Crusades wanted Jerusalem because it was considered a holy city for Christians, Muslims, and Jews. It held religious significance and symbolized power and control over the Holy Land. Many of the Crusaders sought to reclaim Jerusalem from Muslim rule and secure it as part of Christian territory.

In 1099 what do the christian Crusaders do when they capture Jerusalem?

When the Christian Crusaders captured Jerusalem in 1099, they massacred thousands of Muslims and Jews in the city. The events were brutal and bloody, leading to widespread destruction and loss of life in Jerusalem.

What did the crusaders want to capture from the Muslims?

The holy city of Jerusalem, the place where Christ was crucified, was buried and came back to life and then ascended into heaven.