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The basic unit of the Roman army was the century (centuria) which was equivalent to a company. The centuriae (plural of centuria) were grouped into cohorts. The army corps was the legion (LEGO)

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11y ago

The main military unit was called Legion. The legion, in turn, was divided into cohorts which were then divided into centuries. There was also a tent unit called a contubernium which consisted of eight and later, ten men. They were not a fighting unit, they were merely a sleeping group who shared the expenses of the mule when they were on the road and shared a barracks when in a fort.

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12y ago

The Roman legion was the basic military force of ancient Rome. The details of its formations tactics and strategies and the training of Roman soldiers requires the Discussion section as its long and complicated.

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13y ago

The basic term for a roman soldier was the Numerii. Beyond that, the basic unit was, during the largest period of time, the Hoplite.

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14y ago

The smallest unit in the Roman army was the contubernium.This was a tent shared by eight men.

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13y ago

Basic unit of what? Measurement? Coinage? Army? Please be more specific.

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The basic unit of the Roman society, as all societies, was the family.

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Hi my na

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Q: What is the basic unit of Roman Army?
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Division of the Roman army made up of about 6000 soldiers?

A Roman legion.A legion is the term used to refer to a Roman military groups that is made up of nearly 6000 soldiers. The legion was divided into ten units called cohorts that consisted of approximately 480 to 500 men. This number may not have included officers.

What is the basic political unit in Ancient Greece?

Polis, or "city state," was the basic politicial unit of Greece.

Where did the German army defeat the roman army.?

The Romans were defeated by the Germans at the battle of Teutoburg Forest which was one of the biggest Roman defeats

What did the Roman Army have to do with the growth and maintenance of the Roman Empire?

During the expansion of the Roman Empire the army sent the wealth of conqured territories and slaves back to Rome, to fuel the Roman economy. The army was followed into territories by merchants and traders who would then acquire goods for sale in Roman markets. During the reign of Augustus the army repaired roads, and set up permenant barracks along trade routes to make travel to and from other territories safer.I hate roman army and i love Germany

What Role Did Roman soldiers play in the creation of the Roman Empire?

The Roman army played a major role in the creation of the Roman empire a most of Rome's territory was gained by military conquest. In addition, the army policed the new territories and many times colonies of veterans were established in them. The army also did the building of roads, bridges and aqueducts.

Related questions

What was the basic units of the Roman Army?

The basic term for a roman soldier was the Numerii. Beyond that, the basic unit was, during the largest period of time, the Hoplite.

What is the basic military unit of the roman army?

The basic unit of the Roman army was the century, which had 80 men. The centuries were grouped into 10 cohorts, one of which was double, it had 160 men. The 10 cohorts formed a legions, which was an army corps.

The major unit of the Roman army?

The major unit of the Roman army was the legion.

What was the title of the leader in the largest military unit in the roman army?

The leader of the largest unit of the Roman Army was the legatus

Who had the smallest number of people in a roman army?

The smallest Roman army unit was the contuberium, which was an eight man tent unit.

What was the title given to the leader of the largest military unit in the roman army?

Unit of what? Measurement? Distance? Capacity? The army? Please be specific.

What is a legion in the roman army?

A legion was the basic unit of a Roman army. It consisted of roughly 5,000 infantry, if at full strength. It was divided into cohorts which were further divided into centuries. In addition to the infantry there were also cavalry and auxiliaries attached to each legion.

What was one major unit of the Roman army?

Pradetorians were a speciel unit that served the empire,lieionarys becuase they were basic heavy infantry,spernumerarii asoilder who replaced a dead one.

What was the legion in the roman empire?

The legion was a complete Roman fighting unit. It was the largest sub-unit in a Roman army. It consisted of 4000 to 6000 men and was divided into cohorts, centuries, cavalry and auxiliaries.The legion was a complete Roman fighting unit. It was the largest sub-unit in a Roman army. It consisted of 4000 to 6000 men and was divided into cohorts, centuries, cavalry and auxiliaries.The legion was a complete Roman fighting unit. It was the largest sub-unit in a Roman army. It consisted of 4000 to 6000 men and was divided into cohorts, centuries, cavalry and auxiliaries.The legion was a complete Roman fighting unit. It was the largest sub-unit in a Roman army. It consisted of 4000 to 6000 men and was divided into cohorts, centuries, cavalry and auxiliaries.The legion was a complete Roman fighting unit. It was the largest sub-unit in a Roman army. It consisted of 4000 to 6000 men and was divided into cohorts, centuries, cavalry and auxiliaries.The legion was a complete Roman fighting unit. It was the largest sub-unit in a Roman army. It consisted of 4000 to 6000 men and was divided into cohorts, centuries, cavalry and auxiliaries.The legion was a complete Roman fighting unit. It was the largest sub-unit in a Roman army. It consisted of 4000 to 6000 men and was divided into cohorts, centuries, cavalry and auxiliaries.The legion was a complete Roman fighting unit. It was the largest sub-unit in a Roman army. It consisted of 4000 to 6000 men and was divided into cohorts, centuries, cavalry and auxiliaries.The legion was a complete Roman fighting unit. It was the largest sub-unit in a Roman army. It consisted of 4000 to 6000 men and was divided into cohorts, centuries, cavalry and auxiliaries.

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A unit of 8 in the roman army?

contubernium(tent group)

What was the elite army unit of the roman empire under Augustus?

The classic legion.