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The strict separation of the European countries under Soviet control and the West European countries most of all caused a great difference in post-WW 2 development. Western Europe - including even Germany - got a lot of financial support from its 'leader' country USA under the Marshall Plan to get back on its feet again economically and from the mid Fifties on, started to prosper again.

Russia on the other hand was dealing with East European countries that more often than not had supported Hitler - often with their troops - to invade and fight the USSR. Stalin therefore had good reasons not to feel too kindly disposed to them. Moreover, while the US economy had experienced a mighty upsurge in its economic growth as a result of the war - and so had the money to help Europe, the Soviet economy had suffered heavily by the invasion and Stalin saw taking anything he needed out of the countries under his control as a form of justified repair payments. All of this meant that Eastern Europe's economies were and remained backward until the fall of the Iron Curtain around 1990.

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Q: What was the Significance of the Iron Curtain?
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What was the significance of the Iron Curtain in World War 2?

The concept of the Iron Curtain, presented by Winston Churchill, had significance on the end of WWII and beginning of the Cold War. It presented the idea that capitalism was the correct ideology to follow and that communism was the "iron curtain" dividing the world into the capitalist Western powers and the Soviet Union and the other communist nations (e.g. China). Ultimately, it means that the two ideologies cannot coexist; the "curtain" is not flexible (since it is made of metal) thus the only way to unite the world is to destroy the curtain completely.

What was the term that described the dividing line between communist Eastern Europe and non COnmmunist Western Europe?

The Iron Curtain.

Was the iron curtain an actual iron curtain?

No. It was like invisible, there were only military forces. The term "iron curtain" was just a metaphor.

Where are the cracks in the iron curtain as seen on the map?

Yugoslavia and Albania were the cracks in the iron curtain.

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Gorbachev is given credit for ending the Iron Curtain.

What term came about when communism countries prevented information from being released and people from escaping to freedom?

iron curtain

Was Romania part of the iron Curtain border?

Yes, Romania was inside the Iron Curtain.

Did Romania border the iron Curtain countries?

Yes, Romania was inside the Iron Curtain.

What is the duration of The Iron Curtain film?

The duration of The Iron Curtain - film - is 1.45 hours.

Where are the cracks on the iron curtain as seen on the map?

Yugoslavia and Albania were the cracks in the iron curtain.

When was The Iron Curtain - film - created?

The Iron Curtain - film - was created on 1948-05-12.