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The Enlightenment period (17th and 18th centuries), where government became known as a creation of the people rather than a means of controlling them. The Enlightenment championed reason and individualism over culture and tradition.

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Q: What was a major turning point in the downfall of absolute monarchies?
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What was a major turing point in the downfall of absolute monarchies?

The major turning point in the downfall of absolute monarchies was the execution of Louis XIV. This is what brought enlightenment to the people who were being ruled through absolute monarchies.

What were the major trends in government and science between the 14th and 18th centuries in europe?

Mercantilism was a very popular trend in government along with Absolute Monarchies when one person had total and absolute control. The also believed in the Divine Right, which means they believed that god chose who to rule. The biggest thing scientifically in Europe was the Enlightenment.

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The death of Mongol leader Möngke Khan in 1259 marked a major turning point in the history of the Mongol Empire. The ensuing power struggle between his successors, Kublai Khan and Ariq Böke, led to a split in the empire and the beginning of a long period of division and decline. This event ultimately contributed to the fragmentation and eventual downfall of the mongol empire.

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Why Europe have kings?

Monarchy was a major form in government in olden Europe. Monarchy could still be a considered a major form in government in Europe, though most are constitutional monarchies.

What were the major turning points in the US-Japanese conflict in World War 2?

The major turning point in the War in the Pacific was the Battle of Midway.

What were the major allied victories and turning points in World war 2-?

The major turning points and allied victories in world war II includes the destruction of Stalingrad which brought down the German army and saw to it that Russian army became stronger, the destruction of the Japanese fleet making them defensive and the attack on Pearl Harbor making US go to war. Finally, there was the German invasion of Russia that opened the eastern front leading to the downfall of Germany.

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There was one major turning point. The Russian Winter. Trust me, that was the beginning of the end of Hitler's Eastern Front.

What is one major downfall to having a waterbed?

One major downfall of having a waterbed is the fact that one has to be pretty careful with it and not puncture it by mistake, an issue that can cause a "flood" in your bedroom. Also it has to be transported very carefuly from place to place, in case of moving to a new apartment for instance, of the same reason.