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defense against German adventurers.

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Q: What was One of the benefits that the Mongols brought to Russian lands was?
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The Mongols played a significant role in Russian history by?

The Mongols played a significant role in Russian history through repeated conquests over the course of several centuries. Rather than settling in conquered lands, the Mongols would force Russian noblemen to pay tributes to them regularly. Most of Russia's history from this time revolves around the impact of the Mongol invaders.

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When did the Mongols leave Russia?

the needed more money and better farm lands

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What new countries were out of formerly Russian lands?

Alaska and Iceland

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Which land was not conquered by the Mongols?

Many lands were never conquered by the Mongols. They include:Western EuropeScandinaviathe Southern part of AfricaNorth and South AmericaIndiasouthern regions such as south-East Asia and the Pacific, including the Australian continent

How did the mongols create such a large land empire from the battle of kalka river?

through battles and concored lands which seems to be their greatest joy in

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Siberia and the Russian steppes

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they went there for Canada's vast open lands

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Is a type of accordian, native to the Russian and Caucasian lands (Central Asian).

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