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Q: What two resources made west Africa kingdoms wealthy?
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What was a source of wealth for in western Africa?

The participation of the kingdoms of western Africa in providing slaves for the slave trade made them wealthy also there is gold in that area.

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How did west African kingdoms grow wealthy through trade?

The west Africans grew wealthy though trade because they made taxes for people who came in and out of their territory.

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Why were the europeans not successful in conquering African kingdoms?

Africa doesn't have kingdoms, and Alexander the Great was considered a god there , ( and yes, he did conquer Egypt ) they made him his own town .

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Mineral resources made South Africa a place of interest to the international community. The Dutch and the British fought over control of South Africa's diamond and gold resources.

What did the europeans need that made them colonize in africa and the americas?

Nothing "made Europeans colonize"; it was an active decision that they chose to do. They did this for material resources, labor resources, prestige, strategic positions, and religious evangelism.

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Trade made Great Zimbabwe's rulers wealthy and powerful.

What were dentures made of in colonial times?

Early dentures were usually carved out of wood, although wealthy people could sometimes afford to get them made from real ivory, which was imported from Africa and India.

How did natural resources affect the ancient empires in west Africa?

They made it harder for them to live with out them, adn easier to live with them.

How did Africa's abundance in gold salt and Ivory and diamonds affect European's decisions?

it made them want to stay there and get the resources.