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Q: What role did men play in the 15th and 16th century?
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What role did men play in 16th century?

the good role

What role did men play in the 16th century?

they were expected to be very house proud and have lots of kids and a young wife

3 What role did Antwerp and Amsterdam play in international commerce?

by the end of the 16th century Amsterdam had overtaken Antwerp as the financial capital of Europe.

What were the main ideas behind feudalism.?

Feudalism flourished in Europe between the 9th and 15th century. The main idea was that everyone had a role to play in serving the king. Land ownership was only for the noble.

What role did Muslim world play in trade?

The Muslim world tended to play an intermediary role in world trade. They controlled the overland trading routes between Europe and Asia. Until the voyages of exploration and discovery in the 15th and 16th centuries, they also controlled the sea routes between Africa and Asia.

What was Judaism's role in 16th century Europe?

highly persecuted, frowned upon except when needed

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Spanish warriors were called conquistadors. They were soldiers, explorers, and adventurers who played a significant role in the Spanish colonization of the Americas in the 15th and 16th centuries.

What role did the women play in the 16th century?

women were challenged with expressing themselves in a patriarchal system that generally refused grant merit to women's views - Not all women were treated in this way. Consider the following women who ruled countries in the 16th century: Queen Mary I of England Queen Elizabeth I of England Queen Mary of Scotland Queen Catherine of Navarre Queen Joan III of Navarre Queen Isabella I of Spain Queen Joanna of Spain Queen Anna of Poland Some of these women were pretty fierce. And my suspicion is that these were not the only women in 16th century Europe who had important roles to play.

What natives of the Ukrainian and Russian steppe played a pivotal role in aiding Russian expansion into Siberia during the 16th Century?

The Cossacks

How did economics play a role in European colonies in the 19th century?

Well, imperialism played a role. but the economy played a role.

Where can one find Voyage Century deals?

Voyage Century Online is a role playing game that takes place in the 16th centrury. Deals on the game can be found periodically on promotional websites.

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martin Luther clearly identified the anti-christ power and system of things