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Q: What role did medieval knights play in the crusades?
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What role did the knights play in the crusades?

The Knights Templar were the most powerful military monastic order which took part in the Crusades. The Knights Templar were formed from several groups of knights by Hugh de Payens for the express purpose of protecting Christian pilgrims in the Holy Land.

What role did the religious orders like the knights hospitals and the knights Templar's play during the crusaders?

Religious orders like the Knights Hospitallers provided medical care to pilgrims, knights, and soldiers during the Crusades. The Knights Templar were a military order that protected pilgrims traveling to Jerusalem. Both orders played a significant role in the military and humanitarian aspects of the Crusades.

What was a knights social status?

Knights played a major role in Medieval life.

What did the red cross on the knight's shield and surcoat mean?

The red cross on the knight's shield and surcoat is usually associated with the Knights Templar, a medieval Christian military order. It symbolizes their dedication to the Christian faith and their role in the Crusades.

What role did knights play in Medieval society?

Knights were basically professional soldiers. They were valuable on the battlefield because they were skilled at fighting from horseback. They also enforced the laws of their lord, baron, duke, or the King.

Who were the Japaneese counterparts of medieval knights?

The Japanese counterparts of medieval knights were the samurai. They were warriors who served noble families and were known for their loyalty, honor code (bushido), and skill in combat. Samurai played a significant role in Japanese society, similar to how knights did in medieval Europe.

What was the role of page in medieval time?

Pages acted as personal servants to knights and barons.

How did Richard the lionheart affect medieval society?

Richard the lionheart affected medieval society through his role in the crusades, this has made a major impact on England's wealth and power. Also during his reign the first merchant guild (like a trading centre, market) was created. The guilds were to play a major role in medieval society.

What role did the Church play in the Knights Life?


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How did heraldry play such important role In medieval tournaments?

Knights used it to show who they were underneath their armor. also there was a tree at each tournament with all off the heraldry pictures on it to show who was competing

What role did the seljuk Turks play in the crusades?

they attacked the bazantine empire