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They dont have any :)

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Q: What relevance do the crusades have to us today?
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What is Historical Relevance?

Historical relevance refers to the importance or significance of past events, people, or periods in shaping our understanding of the present. It involves determining the impact and relevance of historical events on contemporary society and how they continue to influence our world today. Understanding historical relevance helps us make connections between the past and the present, enabling us to learn from history and avoid repeating past mistakes.

Are the crusades still fought today?

Yes,they are.

Are crusades still fought today?

Yes,they are.

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me dejean nelson

Do we still see affects of the crusades today?

Yes, we still see effects of the Crusades today in terms of religious tensions and relationships between different cultures in the regions that were impacted by the Crusades. The Crusades also left a lasting impact on the politics and power dynamics in the Middle East and Europe.

How did the crusades affect the modern worl today?
