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white mans burden

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Earl Herman

Lvl 10
2y ago
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Q: What phrases came to define the idea that whites should help civilize nonwhites?
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What phrase came to define the idea that white s should help civilize nonwhites?

white mans burden

What best describes the white mans burden?

Whites should help civilize nonwhites.

What phrase came to define the idea that whites should help civilize?

white mans burden

Which best describes the white man's burden?

The concept of the white man's burden refers to the idea that Western powers had a moral duty to bring civilization and progress to non-European societies during the age of imperialism. It was used to justify the colonization and exploitation of native peoples in Africa, Asia, and the Americas.

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No, commas are not used to enclose restrictive phrases and clauses. Restrictive phrases and clauses provide essential information about the noun they are modifying and should not be separated by commas.

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The writer should place a comma after the two prepositional phrases. For example: On the afternoon of the cookout, I left early. Another example is: In the light of day, we could view the damage from the storm.

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I have no way to answer that, because I can't see any of the phrases below.

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The writer should begin the sentences with different words and phrases.

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