The First Nations that first met the vikings between 500 and 10 000 years ago included The Mi'kmaqs, The Haudenosaunee and The Mountagnais. Both First Nations poeples and Europeans were surprised to meet people that seemed so difffrent from themselves so they decided to get along because they wanted to know each other better and not get themselves in stupid idiot wars.
they met at alanta georgia
That they've been stopped by something they can't defeat.
Because they met people from other cultures.
the first transcontinental railroad met in the middle at Promontory Point ,Utah
Europeans established new colonies in the lands of the New World.
What did the 15 European countries who met at the Berlin Conference in 1884 determine
The Berlin Conference of 1884-85. Many European nations met to decide on what to do about where nations were allowed to Colonize, trade, and help stop Slavery (which at the time existed in Africa but had been nearly completely abolished in Europe).
14 nations or countries.
He never met the First Nations. He was in Greenland, not Canada.
united nations
United Nations
United Nations
The league of Nations met once a year
Yes, he met the Iroquois
American Indians (First Nations).