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Trade my friend, it was all about money they sought to set out find new goods to sell to a expanding economy. This is where we find prince Henry who had a fascination in these maritime adventures he sent out expert to Portugal West Africa and some Atlantic islands for rare metals and rare spices. This is where you find many advances in maps and navigation. The advance in ships was what led to this being possible.

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Q: What motivated European exploration and conquest in the 15th and 16th centuries?
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Why did the initiative in early conquest and exploration pass to northern European nations in the later 1600s?

The Dutch and the British improved the design of oceanic vessels, producing faster ships than their catholic rivals.

What does the word conquest mean?

Conquest means to take over something, usually by force through war or other means. Conquest refers to something you had wanted but didn't have and once you accomplish getting it, it is a conquest of yours.

Who wrote a famous book about his conquest at gaul?

It was Julius Caesar. Ne commented his conquest of Gaul in his Commentaries of the Gallic War

How did Romans expand their territory?

The Romans expanded their territory by conquest, treaty, the granting of citizenship to towns, inheritance and by colonization.The Romans expanded their territory by conquest, treaty, the granting of citizenship to towns, inheritance and by colonization.The Romans expanded their territory by conquest, treaty, the granting of citizenship to towns, inheritance and by colonization.The Romans expanded their territory by conquest, treaty, the granting of citizenship to towns, inheritance and by colonization.The Romans expanded their territory by conquest, treaty, the granting of citizenship to towns, inheritance and by colonization.The Romans expanded their territory by conquest, treaty, the granting of citizenship to towns, inheritance and by colonization.The Romans expanded their territory by conquest, treaty, the granting of citizenship to towns, inheritance and by colonization.The Romans expanded their territory by conquest, treaty, the granting of citizenship to towns, inheritance and by colonization.The Romans expanded their territory by conquest, treaty, the granting of citizenship to towns, inheritance and by colonization.

When did the mongol conquest happen?

Started in 1276

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Christopher Columbus

What is the major motivation for European exploration?

The major motivation for European exploration in the 15th and 16th centuries was to find new trade routes to Asia, particularly for valuable spices and other goods. Additionally, European countries sought to expand their empires, spread Christianity, and gain wealth and power through colonization and conquest.

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What is the relationship between religion commerce and conquest at the beginning of European exploration and colonization.?

Religion, commerce, and conquest were closely intertwined during European exploration and colonization. European powers often used religion as a justification for their conquests, claiming to spread Christianity to newly discovered lands. Commerce also played a significant role, as the desire for wealth and resources drove European exploration and colonization efforts. Additionally, the pursuit of commerce through trade routes and the establishment of colonies often led to conflicts and conquests among European powers seeking to expand their influence and control over valuable territories.

What motivated 'Spain's' conquest?

for the gold of the Americas

What were the major motivations of European exploration?

The major motivations of European exploration were to find new trade routes to Asia for valuable goods, to spread Christianity to new lands, and to acquire wealth and power through colonization and conquest. Additionally, the desire for glory and prestige played a role in driving expeditions sponsored by European monarchs and explorers.

How was the Inca empire affected by European exploration and colonization?

The Inca Empire was weakened by European exploration and colonization through introduced diseases, warfare, and the conquest led by Spanish conquistadors like Francisco Pizarro. These factors resulted in the downfall of the Inca Empire and the eventual colonization of the region by the Spanish.

What was the growing European awareness exploration and conquest of the new world?

When the new World was founded, it was first by the Viking Eric the Red, who did not mention about it much in his travel,then it was about Colubus and Amerigo Vespuci

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Why did the initiative in early conquest and exploration pass to northern European nations in the later 1600s?

The Dutch and the British improved the design of oceanic vessels, producing faster ships than their catholic rivals.

How was out conquest of Mexico partially fueled by racism?

Manifest destiny and slavery on acquired territories (specially Texas) motivated such conquest. See related questions.

What are some true statements about Spanish exploration and conquest in America?

they was a diverse group