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Prime Meridian

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Q: What line splits eastern and western hemisphere?
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Is the capital of Russia on the Western or Eastern Hemisphere?

The Capital of Russia, Moscow is on the Eastern Hemisphere. It's border is on the line between the Eastern and Western Hemisphere.

What separates the westerns and eastern hemisphere?

By most standards, the prime meridian (which runs through Greenwich, England) as the eastern edge of the Western Hemisphere (and the western edge of the eastern hemisphere) and its longitudinal opposite at 180 degrees longitude (west or east, which runs through the Pacific Ocean) being the western edge of the western hemisphere and the eastern edge of the eastern hemisphere. The time zones known as Greenwich Mean Time and the International Date Line are sometimes alternatively used to demark the western from eastern hemispheres, but the would not be true hemispheres as those time zones are not straight longitudes.

What imaginary line divides western and eastern hemisphere?

The full circle formed by the Prime Meridian and the meridian of 180° longitude separates the eastern and western hemispheres.

What is the imaginary line that divides the eastern and western hemisphere?

The full circle formed by the Prime Meridian and the meridian of 180° longitude separates the eastern and western hemispheres.

Is Great Britain in the western or eastern hemisphere?

A little of each. The dividing line is the Greenwich Meridian, which passes right through Greenwich England. Keep in mind that "western hemisphere" and "Western Civilization" are not the same thing.

Related questions

Why is the Eastern Hemisphere called the eastern hemisphere?

The Eastern Hemisphere is called so because it includes all the land and water east of the Prime Meridian, which is a line of longitude measuring 0 degrees. This hemisphere includes regions like Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia.

Is the capital of Russia on the Western or Eastern Hemisphere?

The Capital of Russia, Moscow is on the Eastern Hemisphere. It's border is on the line between the Eastern and Western Hemisphere.

What is the line that separates the western hemisphere and the eastern hemisphere?

The Prime Meridian

What is the line separating Western Hemisphere and the eastern hemisphere?

International dateline

What line divided the eastern hemisphere and westerner hemisphere?

The Equator divides the Eastern and Western Hemispheres.

What is between the eastern hemisphere and the western hemisphere?

The International Date Line and the Prime Meridian both separate the eastern from the western hemisphere.

Is there a imaginary line that divides the earth int a western and eastern hemisphere?

Yes, the Prime Meridian is an imaginary line that divides the Earth into the Western Hemisphere and the Eastern Hemisphere. It runs through Greenwich, England.

Is France eastern or western hemisphere?

France is a part of both the Western and Eastern Hemispheres. The dividing line is the Prime Meridian, so most of France is in the Eastern Hemisphere.

Is south American in the eastern or western hemisphere?

South America is in the Western Hemisphere. The dividing line is Greenwich in England.

Which hemispheres do the Prime Meridian and the International Dateline divide the earth into?

The Prime Meridian divides the Earth into the Eastern Hemisphere and the Western Hemisphere, while the International Date Line divides the Earth into the Eastern Hemisphere and the Western Hemisphere as well.

Is the usa in the eastern or western hemisphere?

Almost but not quite all of the USA is in the western hemisphere. There is a tiny,tiny, tiny part of Alaska that extends across the line into the eastern one.

What line creates the eastern and western hemisphere?

The Prime Meridian, located at 0 degrees longitude, is the line that creates the eastern and western hemispheres on Earth. Any location to the west of the Prime Meridian is considered part of the Western Hemisphere, and any location to the east is part of the Eastern Hemisphere.