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No, the USA became an independent nation in 1776. Haiti became independent in 1804, so the USA is older than Haiti by about 28 years.

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Q: What is the oldest independent nation in the Western Hemisphere?
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Where is the second oldest independent nation in western hemisphere?

Haiti is the second oldest independent nation in the Western Hemisphere, gaining independence from France in 1804 after the successful Haitian Revolution.

What is the oldest country in the western hemisphere?

Established on July 4th, 1776, the oldest country in the Western Hemisphere is the United States of America.

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The oldest university in the western hemisphere is located in the Dominican Republic and is called Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD). It was founded in 1538, making it the oldest university in the Americas.

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The oldest city that is still lived in in the western hemisphere is believed to be Damascus, the current capital city of Syria, which is approximately 12000 years old.

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Santo Domingo, in the Dominican Republic, is the oldest permanent European settlement in the Western Hemisphere, established by the Spanish in 1498.

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Ah, the oldest synagogue in the western hemisphere is the Touro Synagogue in Newport, Rhode Island. It was built in 1763 and has a rich history of religious freedom and community. Just like a happy little tree, it stands tall and proud, reminding us of the importance of diversity and acceptance in our world.

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Ethiopia is the oldest independent nation in Africa. It has existed in some form since 980 B.C. It was an empire in 1137.

What is the oldest independent nation in the world?

It is very difficult to answer which the oldest independent nation in the world is with certainty, but the oldest nation in Europe is San Marino having its independence from the Roman Empire in September 3, 301 AD and is also proclaimed to be the oldest nation in the world. However, it can still not be known with certainty.