

Best Answer
  • The baby boom
  • The Civil Rights Movement
  • Sputnik launches the Space Age
  • The Cold War
  • Rock and roll
  • Credit cards
  • Diet Soda
  • Roll-on deodorant
  • TV dinners
  • Color TV
  • Microwave ovens
  • Automatic doors
  • Velcro
  • 3-Point seat belts
  • Ultrasound
  • Bubble wrap
  • "The Pill" (but only for menstrual difficulties until the 1960's)
  • The first stored computer program
  • The modem
  • First organ transplant
  • DNA discovered
  • Disneyland
  • Legos
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8y ago

ME, I was born in the 1950's.

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Q: What is the most important development from the 1950's?
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What was most important new idea from 1950s?

The American automobile structure is the most important new idea from the 1950s.

What year was most popular?

1920's because the economy was good and most things were invented. So were the1950s because it had the most important wars in it and had the most important inventions and also Rock and Roll was invented in the 1950s.1950s

What were the most important developments of the 1950s?

I became super great at everything :) the beginning.

Which development most directly benefited American businesses in the 1950s?

Financial assistance for veterans under the G.I. Bill

Was Alan Freed was the most important independent record producer in the 1950s?

No. Joe Meek was.

Is documentation most important in system development?

Yes, it is important at all phases of development, not just systems development. Documentation is an important part of the discipline of Systems Analysis and Design.

What was the most famous event in the 1950's?

The Korean War was the most important event in the 1950s as a hot spot in the cold war.

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Considered the most important orthopedic development in the twentieth century, arthroscopic surgery is widely used.

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What technological develpmoents during the 1950's contributed to an arms race that would last for more than 30 years?

The most important development in the 1950s was the introduction of ICBMs or intercontinental ballistic missiles. They were a more effective delivery system for nuclear weapons.