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I dun no.....

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Q: What is the meaning of contributions?
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Related questions

How do you say contributions in spanish?

"Contribuir" is the Spanish verb meaning "to contribute". Normally it is used in a conjugated form: "I contribute" would be "Yo contribuyo".

What are the contributions of engineering to mathematics?

Not sure that there were many contributions ofengineering to mathematics. Contributions in the other direction: lots, contributions by engineers: yes.

What were some contributions of the maurya?

what were the contributions mauryas had

What was Germany's contributions?

Please clarify. Contributions to what and when?

Is there a special badge for 1000 contributions on WikiAnswers?

No, there is no badge for 1,000 contributions. There is a badge for 500 contributions (Bronze) and the next one is for 5,000 contributions (Silver).

Why aren't you getting recognition for your contributions on WikiAnswers?

The main reason you are not getting recognition for your contributions is that your contributions may be average, or not top-notch. Contributions are worth getting recognition for if you make top-notch contributions that are above average. Otherwise, your contributions may not be worth the recognition.

What happened to old contributions when moved to the split contributions system?

Old contributions were not affected. All of the points from old contributions were migrated to the new system.

What contributions did Madonna make to her school or her community?

no contributions!

What is Venus Williams contributions?

what is Venus Williams contributions?

What is the definition of indirect contributions?

Contributions to a cause that are not overt.

What is the meaning of life and its manifestation?

The meaning of life is a complex and subjective concept that varies for each individual. It generally involves finding purpose, fulfillment, and happiness. Manifestations of life's meaning can include relationships, personal growth, contributions to society, and pursuing passions and interests.

What is the first contributions amount badge you can put on your profile?

The first Contributions badge is added to profiles for 10,000 contributions.