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Q: What is the historical significance of Woman of Willendorf?
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Why was the woman from willendorf represented as a full figured?

The woman from Willendorf is believed to have been represented with a full figure to symbolize fertility, abundance, and nurturing qualities. This emphasis on fertility may have reflected the importance of reproduction in prehistoric societies.

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Willendorf's population is 798.

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What is the advantage of calling her the woman of willendorf rather than the Venus of willendorf?

Referring to her as the Woman of Willendorf acknowledges her as a symbol of womanhood and fertility, rather than just a representation of beauty and love like Venus. It emphasizes her role in ancient societies as a symbol of power and abundance, rather than just a deity of love and desire.

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Who discovered the Venus of Willendorf?

The Venus of Willendorf was discovered in 1908 by archaeologist Josef Szombathy in Willendorf, Austria.

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What is the country code and area code of Willendorf Austria?

The country code and area code of Willendorf, Austria is 43, (0)2620.