These devices were first used to harness WIND power to grind grain on a MILL stone.
The word cur is thought to be derived from the Middle English word "curdogge". Curdogge is derived from the word "curren", which means "to growl". Cur is a slang word that refers to a mixed breed dog.
in the 17th century
Heron of Alexandria discovered windmill in 1st century AD. I am given this intelligence by my God Almighty, Jesus. Praise the lord. Glory to God
Heron of Alexandria
m Jordan
Eponymy is the derivation of a word from a name.
The word derivative is a derivation of the root word derive. You may make a derivation of my original artwork under the creative commons license.
The derivation of the word mutton is from the French, mouton meaning sheep.
It is from the Old England.
To Insure Prompt Service
Bubba is a southern derivation on the word "Brother"
Canning is the gerund of the verb, to can.