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Medi Aevum

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Q: What is the Latin term for Middle Ages?
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What is the Latin term for rebirth?

i believe it is rennaisance, and that is why it was used to describe when Europe was coming out of the middle ages

Does the term 'Dark Ages' refer to the first half or second half of the Middle Ages"?

The term "Dark Ages" typically refers to the first half of the Middle Ages.

Was the term Middle Ages a compliment?

The term Middle Ages was not a compliment. The term Middle Ages was used to label the time between the Roman Empire and the modern age. The idea was that in the modern age, Europe had recovered from a time of low culture.

What is the basic shape of a Christian church of the Middle Ages A Pentagon B Rhombus C Latin cross D Quatrefoil?

The basic shape of a christian church of middle ages is latin cross.

Which of the following would not be considered a vernacular language of the middle ages?


What language was considered noble in the Middle Ages?

the noble language was latin

Why is medieval medieval?

Medieval is medieval because it is Latin for "the middle ages".

What is a middle ages word that starts with o?

Oath of fealty is a middle ages term. It begins with the letter O.

Meaning for crusades?

The Crusades were military campaigns sanctioned by the Latin Roman Catholic Church during the High Middle Ages and Late Middle Ages

Does the term 'medieval' refer to both the middle ages and the Renaissance?

No, the term medieval refers to the middle ages. One thing to understand, however, is that the Renaissance began before the Middle Ages ended, so there was a time of about a hundred years that were in both.

Why is medival called medieval?

It is Latin (medi + aevum) for Middle Ages. It has been called the Dark Ages but that term is falling out of favor. The Medieval period ends, I believe, around the time of the Enlightenment. The Middle Ages lasted from about AD 350 to 1450.

When in history was Latin spoken?

From the time of the Roman Empire through the Middle Ages.