A short word for "God's Wounds" referring to the nails driven through Jesus.
Holy War. Also, try googling the word or going to a dictionary website next time-- there are lots of them.
Middle ages things and times are called Medieval.
Medival is an incorrect spelling of medieval, which means "middle ages."
The definition of the word transpire in the Oxford dictionary is to occur or to happen. It is a verb and the word's origin if from the Latin language from Medieval times.
a person that is drunk or hungover- word used in the medieval period
dont no
There are no 6-word short stories. The definition of a short story is 100 words or over.
A short word for "God's Wounds" referring to the nails driven through Jesus.
a big rock from space
Short form of a word or a abbreviation.
The word "def", short for definition starts a function.
The word gondola is actually Italian and comes from the Medieval Latin word gondola. It is speculated that the word gondola may have come from the Greek word kondu, which means drinking vessel.
The official definition for the word youngest is "having lived or existed for only a short time."
Oddly enough, it's called the shortfall.