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Q: What is a lifestyle of wandering from place to place?
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Related questions

What is the name of a nomad?

A nomad is a person who leads a wandering lifestyle, moving from place to place without a permanent home.

What is meant by wandering?

Wandering means traveling aimlessly from place to place; itinerant.

A lifestyle of wandering from place to place in search of pasture or water?

Nomadic lifestyle involves moving from place to place in search of resources such as pasture and water. This way of life is common among some indigenous tribes and pastoral communities who rely on natural resources for their survival. It is a sustainable practice that has been adapted over generations to respond to seasonal changes and geographical conditions.

What is the lifestyle of Portugal?

it differs from place to place

What is a group that moves place to place searching for food called?

Wandering peoples are called nomads.

What does the biblical place name nod mean?

Nod; wandering, exile.

What are you doing when you are wandering?

When someone is wandering, they are aimlessly moving from place to place without a specific destination in mind. It can be a way to relax, clear one's mind, or explore new surroundings.

Traveling seasonally with no fixed home wandering?

People that move from place to place are called nomads. :)

What are nomadic people?

Nomadic means wandering. Nomads or nomadic people are groups that do not settle in one place permanently, but periodically move from place to place.

Why is altialasius named so?

Altialasius was named after the Greek words "alti" meaning high and "alasios" meaning wandering, reflecting its preference for high altitudes and active lifestyle in the air.

What practice brought an end to early man's wandering from place to place in search of food?

Farming or intensive agriculture. Invented by women.

What is true about nomadic people?

Rather than settling in one place, they follow wandering herds.