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Maastricht Treaty

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Q: What happened in Europe in 1991?
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What happened in 1991 that increased the number of countries on the continent on Europe?

the dissolution of the Soviet Union, which led to the break-up of Yugloslavia.

When did Air Europe end?

Air Europe ended in 1991.

When did BBC TV Europe end?

BBC TV Europe ended in 1991.

When did Champions of Europe happen?

Champions of Europe happened in 1992.

When did Beatmania - Europe - happen?

Beatmania - Europe - happened in 2000.

When did Theatre Europe happen?

Theatre Europe happened in 1985.

When did Europe Racer happen?

Europe Racer happened in 2001.

What war happened in 1991?

Operation Desert Storm Jan/Feb 1991.

What happened in the discovery of the water cycle in 1991?

The discovery of the water cycle in 1991.

When did Xexex happen?

Xexex happened in 1991.

What happened on october 4 1991?

I was born :)

When did Verytex happen?

Verytex happened in 1991.