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Well in the renissance there was a system called the feautal system. Which was like, The top of the feautal system was like the most respected, the crown. Or king and queens. And then there was the middle, which was like the people that were respected but werent all that special, but they got alot more than peasants. The bottome was the peasants that were used as maids. And that's what happened that changed Europe is because there was people that were more respected just because they had alot of money, and could afford things that other people couldn't. So people got annoyed and then when they disobeyed most of them got killed and stuff, and it all changed. And other things that i will let you read. The link is at the bottom. Hope it helped.


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Q: What happened during the Renaissance that changed Europe?
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well, it changed a lot because of the new discoveries and inventions like the invention of gunpowder, the discovery of tea, the invention of the magnetic compass and a lot of others. It basically changed Europe of the good and not the bad. I also just improved the European life. Hope this helped! :P

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