You are assuming the West is an evil empire.
The Songhai Empire
Both the Roman and British empires influenced the regions of their worlds that they conquered or occupied. Both empires introduced their laws and cultural values the empires had. Both empires also recruited members of these regions to become part of their military forces.
No. Diocletian split the Roman Empire.
Some criteria for a civilization to be considered an empire by historians are an ethnic group of people and they are ruled by a monarchy.
They called in the Western Roman empire. The only change of any of the roman empires was in the eastern roman empire. The eastern roman empire changed into the Byzantine Empire
The Post Classical Period in Mesoamerican history was a period of militarism, large empires, secular government, and urbanization. For example, the Aztec empire was a large empire in the Post Classical Period.
Sanskrit is the classical language of ancient India. It was used by various empires in the region, including the Mauryan Empire and the Gupta Empire, for religious and literary purposes.
Many historians cite the first Egyptian empire as the first great ancient empire. Some of them use the date of 3100 BC BCE and cite King Narmer as the first leader of it. From my understanding other historians believe there is a doubt about this and offer other ancient empires as being the first.
Some people think that the Roman Empire was the most powerful empire in history. However, this is not the view of historians. More powerful empires have existed. Probably the most powerful empire in history was the British colonial empire.
Three empires immediately come to mind: the Roman empire, the Parthian/Persian empire and the Chinese empire.Three empires immediately come to mind: the Roman empire, the Parthian/Persian empire and the Chinese empire.Three empires immediately come to mind: the Roman empire, the Parthian/Persian empire and the Chinese empire.Three empires immediately come to mind: the Roman empire, the Parthian/Persian empire and the Chinese empire.Three empires immediately come to mind: the Roman empire, the Parthian/Persian empire and the Chinese empire.Three empires immediately come to mind: the Roman empire, the Parthian/Persian empire and the Chinese empire.Three empires immediately come to mind: the Roman empire, the Parthian/Persian empire and the Chinese empire.Three empires immediately come to mind: the Roman empire, the Parthian/Persian empire and the Chinese empire.Three empires immediately come to mind: the Roman empire, the Parthian/Persian empire and the Chinese empire.
No one divided the Roman Empire. There was only one Roman Empire. Western and Eastern Roman Empire are terms which have been coined by historians. The Romans did not use them. The eastern and western parts of the Roman empire lost cohesion when the later was invaded by the Germanic peoples.
The Gupta empire traded with other Indian empires and even Roman empires.
The 2 empires that continued to spread the Arab empire after it collapsed were:The Ottoman and Mogul empires.
There were six major Mesopotamian empires. These consisted of the empire of Sumer, the Akkadian Empire, the Babylonian Empire, the Assyrian Empire, the Chaldean Empire, and the Persian Empire.
There were several empires in the Mexican highlands. These included the Teotihuacan, Toltec Empire, and the Aztec Empire. The Aztecs are the most famous of the empires.