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Q: What does the color red represent in western culture?
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Continue Learning about History of Western Civilization

What color were the shoes of the wicked witch of the west?

They were red and shiny

Why were roman sheilds red?

They didn't wear red armor, however the roman legions are often depicted in pop culture as wearing red tunics under their segmented armor. There is some evidence that certain legions did dye their tunics red, blue ,green and even pink! But this has not been proven for certain, and it is possible that a regular legionary did not dye their tunics at all, leaving them plain (although it is probable that officers did). So all in all, the idea of the roman army wearing red might well of just been a myth worked upon by Hollywood because it looked good, though it does have some basis in fact....................................................The Romans used to wear Red military cloak armor which kept them warm in colder climates. The red color of it was a kind of symbol of identification in dust and the time of confusion in battle and created fear in the heart of enemies as RED symbolises danger.

A western nickname for a cow?

I think one of them is Doggies, though I'm not sure on the spelling of it 'get along little doggies'... taken from an old western song, which I can't remember the name of right now either.. it's an old standard like "red river valley" or "Yellow rose of texas"

Was the color beige used in the middle ages?

No. Color was very hard to obtain because it came from natural sources. The basic colors of brown, black, red, and blue were used. The methods used to get the colors also varied. For instance, a mussel was used to get the color blue. It was a stinky hard business to dye clothing.

What did the color yellow mean on a medieval times?

Yellow- generousityWhite- peaceBlack- griefBlue- loyaltyRed- Military Fortitude (good at fighting)Green- Hope or JoyPurple- SovereigntyYour Welcome Geniuses ;)

Related questions

What color represents redemption?

In Western culture, the color red is often associated with redemption due to its connection with passion, sacrifice, and love. Red can symbolize a new beginning or second chance, making it a popular choice to represent redemption in art and literature.

What does color red symbolize?

In the chinese culture it represents luck. In western culture it can mean love or death or fire or passion.AnswerIn The Bible, red symbolizes wartime, bloodshed.

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The national colors of the Philippines are blue, red, white, and yellow. These colors represent different aspects of the country's history and culture.

What does the color of red represent?

The colour red represents anger.

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What does the color coral represent?

Usually a pastel like red color.

What color represent love?

Red or pink is the color of love. <3

What does the color red represent on the Saskatchewan flag?

blood, the color red on the saskatchewan flag means blood

What color does 660nm represent?

660nm light corresponds to the red-orange color in the visible spectrum.

Do Chinese people believe that white is bad luck?

Not really, but is generally considered taboo if you wear white on certain occasions. White in Chinese culture is a "sad" or a "mourning" color, almost equivalent to the color black in Western culture (i.e. the color you wear at a funeral) whereas the color red in Chinese culture is auspicious and is used in just about everything (in traditional-styled Chinese weddings the bride and groom both wear red).

What does the color red represent in Confirmation?

The Holy Spirit.

What does the red color of the Flower represent?

The color red of a flower often symbolizes love, passion, and desire. It can also represent strength, energy, and determination. Additionally, red flowers can signify courage and confidence.