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Slang-ran out of steam or energy.

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To dwindle, diminish to nothing.

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Q: What does petered out mean?
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How do you use petered in a sentence?

When the water was turned off and the pressure dribbled down to a trickle, you could say that "it had petered out". When the exhausted marathon runner approached the finish line, his energy just sort of petered out. We closed the mine because the mother lode just petered out.

When did the surrealist movement end?

It petered out, but never quite ended.

What word means the sames as died out?

Petered out means the same. Also, faded away.

How is use atmosphere in a sentence?

The atmosphere in the restaurant was lively and energetic.

What are the words that contain the root word peter?

Some words that contain the root word "peter" include petered, petering, and peternet.

When did the futurists stop?

LIke all styles in art it slowly petered out as one artist after another found other ways of expression. After 1920 nothing was left of the movement, neither in Italy nor in Russia.

Author of Peter Pan?

Sir James Barrie is generally credited with inventing the character Peter Pan. The name is indirectly derived from the Negative-positive relationship. The author said some of his design concepts petered out (failed) and others Panned out (had literary merit) oddoly both phrases are derived from mining and prospecting. Petered out referred to exhaustion of an ore- or saltpeter, and Panning for gold is so familiar it gabe rise to the unrelated term for begging, Panhandling. While one speaks of the Texas Panhandle, Texas is not noted for Gold deposits.

What part of speech is Peter's?

"Peter's" is a possessive noun, indicating that something belongs to Peter.

When did the Fuedal System end?

One of the main reasons why the feudal system ended was because the Black Death killed so many peasants that they became rarer and more valuable - so the price for labour increased.

Peter in a sentence?

You didn't say if you wanted to use this as a name or a verb. To peter means to slack off, as in something petering out. Here are some sentences.Peter wrote the vocabulary sentences his teacher assigned.His energy petered out halfway up the hill.The flow of water will peter out when I shut off the hose.This can also be rather vulgar slang for the penis.

Why was it impossible for Bella to have a baby?

It is impossible for bells to have a baby because well if you have not seen or read the book or movie petered to be spoiled OK so it is not in possible for her to have a baby it is just very dangerous for her to have the baby OK so when Bella was on her honey moon she got pregnant and there is something growing in side of her and she ends up having a baby girl name rnesmay

What is the Kokoda trail?

The Kokoda Track is a route in Papua New Guinea which leads from the village of Kokoda across the mountains into Papua towards Port Moresby. It was the route used by a small Japanese force in 1942 to attack Port Moresby. Their attack petered out as they ran out of ammunition and food,, and an Australian counter-attack in strength was mounted. It ended the southward drive by Japanese forces. in Papua New Guinea.