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The Fourth Crusade

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Q: What crusade resulted in the looting of Constantinople by western Christian's?
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How did the crusades lead to the commercial revolution?

When the crusades ended it increased trade because the Christians started looting and stealing on their way to Jerusalem. Eventually they just started trade because they could buy it for much cheaper then they could from their hometown.

What does crusaders means?

The Crusades were a series of campaigns undertaken by several European monarchs in conjunction with the Papacy with a view to invading and capturing Palestine which was at that time under the control of various Muslim overlords. The First Crusade started in 1096 and was successful in capturing Jerusalem and establishing kingdoms in what is now Israel, Lebanon and Syria under the rule of various European soldiers of fortune. These kingdoms lasted until about 1300 when Acre, the last of the cities held by the Crusaders, was retaken by Muslim forces. During those 200 years there were in all nine different crusades, the last being in 1272. Although spurred by religious rhetoric by the Papacy, the Crusades although ostensibly for religious goals in fact were a pretext for looting, violence and self-aggrandizement.

Because of the burning and looting done by the vikings the people of the western europe developed a society organized around?


How did the Trojan War start and end?

The Achaean Greeks mounted a looting expedition into Asia Minor, starting with the richest city-state Troy. When this failed, they spent nine years working over the rest of the cities and came back far a successful crack at Troy. So the story goes.

When did the Trojan War begin and end?

We have no precise dates - the legend puts it in the 12th Century BCE - a 10-year Greek looting expedition of the eastern Aegean Sea, starting with a failed attack on Troy, a sacking of the coastline and islands, and in the 10th year returning for another attempt on the richest prize Troy, which succeeded.

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How did the knights of the first crusade get to constantinople?

The knights of the First Crusade traveled to Constantinople by land and sea. They journeyed through various regions of Europe and the Middle East before sailing across the Mediterranean Sea to reach Constantinople, where they were received by the Byzantine Emperor Alexios I.

A sentence with the word looting?

Insurrectionists are looting the capital! Can't I get arrested for looting the store with you?

Were the Crusaders Christians?

The Crusaders were Christians, many of them devout Christians. They were also sinners, to such an extent that some modern Christians would deny that they were really Christians at all. The original motivation for the Crusades was to recover the Holy Land from Islamic domination. However, the Crusades also became a great adventure and an opportunity for looting, murder, rape and other excesses. Some Crusaders were not particular about limiting their crimes to just the Muslims - Jews and Eastern Orthodox Christians were often easier targets.

Can you give a sentence with the word looting in it?

There was a blackout in New York, so I went looting.

How does the Trojan War compare to the present?

It was a looting expedition of the rich cities of Asia Minor. Who is now looting in the world by force - they do it by economic and financial looting - pick your target.

What is larder looting?

I am very sorry i don't know the answer for this question. I am trying to find out what larder looting is myself.

What does looting enchantment mean in minecraft?

If you have the looting enchantment on a weapon in Minecraft, this means that every time you kill a mob, you'll receive more of its drop than you would if you killed the mob with a non-looting weapon. For example, say you typically received 2 leather from killing a cow. With looting, you might receive 4 leather. And I believe the higher number your looting enchantment is, the more drops you can get from a mob.

What orders did the union general William Tecumseh sherman give his troops on their march to the sea?

Get supplies by looting, then destroy anything else of value

How would you define looting?

Looting is stealing someones property after a natural disaster or in cases of war. It is thievery at its worst level.

What did the stewards do to prevent looting on the Titanic?

There was no known looting. The stewards were concerned for the well-being of the passengers, not their belongings.

How did the crusades lead to the commercial revolution?

When the crusades ended it increased trade because the Christians started looting and stealing on their way to Jerusalem. Eventually they just started trade because they could buy it for much cheaper then they could from their hometown.

What conflicts were like the Trojan War?

There have been many prolonged looting expeditions though ancient history. Rome pillaging Carthage, Athens pillaging its empire, France looting Germany after WW1, Germany looting Europe in WW2 .....